How do I, as a professor, put books and other material on reserve for a class?


Please use our new course reserves system. The link provided will give you more information as well as contacts for problems or questions. A faculty member may assign a deputy to assist with requesting material. If a book is needed that is not currently in the Brown Library collections, please request it through the system by using the Blank Form option. Allow three weeks to put an entire course's worth of material online. The library no longer maintains print reserves. We will either purchase an ebook if available or digitize a print book for reserves access. If an article is not available from an ejournal, the library will digitize from print in accordance with fair use guidelines as explained on the reserves information page. In order to activate your course reserves on your Canvas site, please see this page.

For more detailed information about specific types of reserve items and how to post them, please see the guide. Note that OCRA no longer exists and has been replaced by the new system.

  • Last Updated Jan 12, 2023
  • Views 164
  • Answered By Karen Bouchard

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